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安恒公司 / 产品信息 / Fluke 网络公司于今日发布了网络应用性能分析专家系统——SuperAgent
Fluke 网络公司于今日发布了网络应用性能分析专家系统——SuperAgent
2003-11-16    安恒       阅读:

Fluke 网络公司于今日发布了网络应用性能分析器——SuperAgent

【Fluke】美国福禄克网络公司推出全新 SuperAgent 应用分析专家系统

2003年11月17日—Fluke Networks宣布为已有的分布式网络分析解决方案增加对应用程序性能的监测。SuperAgent”应用分析专家”可以根据应用、用户或服务器报告端到端的性能,为网络工程师提供了*种有效的方法对性能进行监测和故障诊断,从而在故障影响那些关键的业务应用之前加以解决。



“Fluke Networks为分布式网络分析方案增添SuperAgent”应用分析专家就是对用户关注应用性能的需求的回应,”Fluke Networks分布式网络分析解决方案的市场经理Mark Mullins说:“SuperAgent在派出人员或使用工具之前能*判断出故障的根源,因而科技加快网络工程师的故障诊断速度。无论是应用还是网络本身造成的问题,现在我们都有了完美的补救方法。”



正确的识别故障源有时已足够解决与应用有关的瓶颈问题,但更多情况下故障还要被更深入地进行分析。SuperAgent“应用分析专家”可以深入分析造成问题的某个用户,服务器或是应用。*旦确定问题源自于网络,综合了主动搜寻,协议分析和RMON2统计功能的Fluke Networks OptiView网络分析解决方案,就能给出网络性能的完整信息,可以快速地将问题定位在某台设备或某个链路上。

SuperAgent是Fluke Networks OptiView网络分析解决方案的重要补充,”美国企业管理协会的副总裁Dennis Drogseth说:“OptiView网络分析解决方案可以给网络工程师*个独特的方法察看网络的性能,与之相同的是SuperAgent将会带来对应用性能的监测和用户效率的全新了解。两种方案都易于使用,快速配置并能自动发现与判别故障。SuperAgent的这些特点对Fluke Networks的现有用户尤其具有吸引力,其价格与功能对于那些在市场上寻找价格适中、且易于使用的应用响应时间分析的人来说也是很有吸引力的。”




详见产品介绍:SuperAgent 应用分析专家软件


Fluke Networks expands its Distributed Network Analysis Offering with Application Performance Monitoring

SuperAgent Application Performance Analyzer maximizes returns from critical business applications
Application performance degradation is a growing problem for today’s on-demand enterprises – significantly impacting customer service and employee productivity. Complex, multiple-tier applications are rapidly proliferating. And while application response time issues increase, pinpointing the source of application delays becomes more difficult.
Is it a network, server or application issue? Determining where performance problems lie and who has the responsibility for solving the problem is one of the most time-consuming challenges facing IT groups today.
Application monitoring made easy and profitable
SuperAgent Application Performance Analyzer quickly gathers in-depth data for any TCP application, such as those from SAP, Oracle and Citrix, without distributed agents. By collecting performance data at the switch, SuperAgent can measure response times for server-to-server communications – essential for diagnosing performance issues in complex multi-tier environments. SuperAgent automatically calculates baselines and thresholds to help identify potential problems and reveal new opportunities for optimization.
A natural complement to the OptiView™ Network Analysis Solution, SuperAgent offers efficient oversight into application performance issues, helping to pinpoint where and how they may be impacted by either network, systems, or the applications themselves. If a network problem is indicated, the OptiView™ Network Analysis Solution, which combines active discovery, protocol analysis and RMON2 statistics for a complete picture of network performance, can be used to quickly isolate the problem to a specific device or link. 

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